For Active People With Foot and Ankle Pain Who Wish They Knew Exactly What to Do and How to Stop Foot and Ankle Pain

Dr. Jonathan Ruzicka

Leading Doctor of Physical Therapy, Texas

This message came right off the desk of Physical Therapy Specialist Jonathan Ruzicka:

If you are someone dealing with pain every time your foot hits the ground, then you have found the right page and you are likely ready to hear some credible solutions.

Foot and Ankle pain can be debilitating and they can severely hinder your quality of life due to an inability to exercise or EVEN “take a walk” with family or friends without constant pain.

These problems are often left to “heal” on their own by immobilizing the joint or sleeping with a device to stretch the foot and when not cared for early they can become debilitating very quickly. After all, it’s difficult to enjoy life when you can’t think past the significant pain you are experiencing and wondering if it’s getting worse…

You may have already tried a few things, if so then you have likely been wearing a boot and taken a series of anti-inflammatories, only to find that those aren’t lasting solutions. Pain killers and surgery are typically put on the table not far after and that’s what brings people here. They want REAL, quality answers and advice on how they can start to heal the root of the problem instead of using Band-Aids to cover up the pain.

If you’ve been told to “rest”, AGAIN then you’re not likely doing any good and you may actually be moving backward by getting weaker. Doing more harm than good.

If You Are Feeling Worried All The Time About Pain in Your Foot and Ankle… If You Are Searching For Solutions That Will Significantly Decrease Pain And Ultimately Get You Back To Enjoying Your Life On The Go,  Active And Mobile… Then There is Hope!

Before we move forward on to showing you how I can help, let me first make it abundantly clear that I am NOT like any of the other Physical Therapists out there, including the guys in the large hospital systems, I’d like to distance myself from them immediately. You should know that the advice given by me is NOTHING like the advice given out by the PTs in “take a number clinics” or any Primary Care Docs – simply because I’m a Specialist in Private Physical Therapy and I have been HELPING people in their 40s, 50s and 60s to recover from Foot and Ankle pain fast, on a daily basis for 7+ years.

The relief you are looking for is long term but the options you have been given don’t last and the pain just keeps coming back. It’s so frustrating to get up and start moving and realize that the pain is still there and nothing has changed.

Even more frustrating is when the pain remains after a surgical procedure and the idea of getting back to your exercise program, sport or even your ability to hike around becomes more blurry and distant.

Whether you’ve come looking for a better solution to end your pain or you are just looking for NEW, better ways to move around so these problems don’t get any worse, then this could be the most important message you read all year.

What most people DON’T know, including GP’s, is that there ARE things that can be done that will allow you to exercise and stay active WITHOUT any increase in pain, swelling or stiffness and WITHOUT fear of making things worse.

Different combinations of anti-inflammatories, pain killers and rest are NOT the answer to stopping the daily torment of dealing with Foot and Ankle pain. Boots, injections and surgery don’t have to be either.

Here’s Who I Can Help…

What I want you to know about my Physical Therapy practice is that we don’t claim that we can help EVERYONE and for obvious reasons I can’t give away my best advice to everyone. But if you are age 40 – 65 and you can say “YES” to any of the following, then you are right to be looking for specialist advice and I can confidently say that I can help you the way you hope:

If you’re struggling to get through a workout because you are feeling the effects of pain and tenderness in your foot and ankle or you simply can’t walk normal without a sharp/burning sensation

You have been dealing with pain that has been over two weeks and there aren’t any signs of it going away anytime soon.

If you wake up and worry that the first step you take is going to be a limp every day and you have to plan extra time just to get ready because of the pain

You aren’t a fan of pain killers or injections, nor do you like to get generic information on purposeless exercises often given out by mill type clinic PT’s

You have been told that you have Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis, Ankle Sprain or you feel stiffness that is getting worse with time

You believe that it’s JUST arthritis or you’ve been told that joint degeneration is the cause and that has no treatment

You’re experiencing severe pain when you try to stay on your feet for too long and can’t seem to find a comfortable standing position no matter what you try

You are hoping to AVOID foot and ankle surgery for as long as possible and for good reason since that area of the body is relied on so heavily in everyday life

You value your health and the enjoyment that you get out of maintaining a healthy lifestyle way too much to risk long-term pain issues and you want to get expert advice immediately

You’ve got no idea what’s happening or why and you are just concerned that you may be getting worse, you are worried about how long it’s gone on and you want to exactly what’s happening and how long it will take to resolve and what real solutions can be done to sort it out

…Great news, if you can say “YES” to any of those, then I am going to be able to help you like you hope and you can rest assured that you are in the right place.

If You Are Here Looking For A Specialist In Physical Therapy, To Provide The Best Advice And Give You Hands On Treatment For Quickly Easing Pain, To Help You Personally Get Back To Your Life, Giving You The RIGHT Exercises To Help You Get Through Or Even Enjoy The Simple Things Like Walking and Travel, Then Here Is What I Can Do For You..

I have a proven solution that works for easing pain and ending ailments, fast. It will allow you to walk further AND exercise longer, staying active WITHOUT the use of pain killers or painful injections. Whether your pain is severe at this point or has just begun to nag, it will let you find more ENJOYMENT in life, faster and longer lasting than any other way.

Speciaist “Hands on” Manual treatment involves us using the BEST techniques to bring the quickest resolution to your suffering and get you on the right track to full recovery. We will need to look at the surrounding joints in the area to make sure the ankle, hips and lower back are not causing undue stress on the knees. While correcting any contributing problems we will give you the BEST exercises, specific to you, that will make the FASTEST improvements in your life. If it happens in days, it would NOT surprise me.

If that sounds like something that you would be interested in then make a simple, no hassle inquiry on cost and availability. Easily inquiry by pressing the orange button below.

Or, if you are wanting to speed up the process call (713) 992-5916 or visit our office in-person to book an appointment with the specialist.

For people who are just browsing for REAL information and not quite ready to start PT or hands on treatment, they are looking for helpful advice, I have put together a compilation of some Secret tips.. the kind only given out by Experts in their field, tools that you can use in your home, on your own to start ending your worries immediately..

If that is you, then you’re in luck!

I have compiled a list of the MOST important characteristics of Foot and Ankle pain, their common causes and what to avoid to get the best results in the shortest amount of time.

It’s titled..

“7 Simple things you can do, at home and on your own… To Heal Foot and Ankle Problems so you can get active again! ”

If you have accepted the idea that nothing can be done or that this is just the way it is and will be.. then this report is specifically for you.

It’s because I have become so frustrated with the number of people un-necessarily suffering and dealing with Foot/Ankle pain that I have written and published this comprehensive 9-page report that ANY person age 40+ can use to relieve pain and stiffness naturally.. and I want you to have it at NO CHARGE.


I can’t promise that what has worked for my clients over the last 7 years will work for you but I can guarantee that reading this report will be better than “resting” another day, passively wearing a boot and hoping that the pain will just “go away.

If this issue is affecting the way you interact with your family and friends or if it’s affecting your work, then you really need to read this free report.

Just imagine for a few seconds how life would be in 5 years if you DON’T get control of your Foot/Ankle pain now! What will your body look like when you haven’t been able to exercise? Will you be a fun person to live with or be around? How will you be at work when you dread standing up, productive? How will you feel if you lose your self-worth, your mobility and independence? You understand what I’m hinting toward..

It’s time for you to request my free tips report on FOOT & ANKLE PAIN… do that by calling (713) 992-5916 or click the orange button below and confirm your details.

There are only a limited number of copies available free upon request – so please do it today.


Jonathan Ruzicka

Author and Leading Specialist in Texas Physical Therapy

FREE REPORT: “7 Simple Things You Can Do at Home and on Your Own to Heal Foot and Ankle Problems…”

Learn 7 simple secrets to heal foot and ankle problems so you can get active again!

Yours Free From Specialist Physical Therapist, Dr. Jonathan Ruzicka

Look Who Else Came For Specialist Treatment at RPM Physical Therapy And Left Feeling More ACTIVE, HEALTHY And HAPPY… In Just A Few Short Weeks!

Linda, Early 60's, Spring, TX

David Moore, Spring, TX

Note: If your foot or ankle pain need is urgent…

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