“How Injured Runners, Pickleball Players, Golfers, and Young Athletes Can Be Fixed and Prevent Future Sports Injuries That Keep You From Enjoying The Sport And Being Active”

Have you recently been dealing with a Sports Injury?

Or you might have been suffering with an injury for a while…
Commonly, we pass it off as “nothing serious” and simply “put up with it” carrying on as best you can.
Or, it can be very easy to get depressed and end up feeling “stuck”, wondering if you’ll ever be able to get back to playing sport or keeping active like you used to…
Often times, people try to get back several times and the injury just keeps getting better and worse without any sign of long-term improvement.
If that’s happening to you, you’re not alone – we see people going through this all the time. In fact, most people are living with an injury from sports and exercise no matter what time of year it is…
I played college football, sustaining hundreds of injuries myself and have been working with professional athletes my whole career, they would fly me in to start treatment the day after the injury to get them back on the field as soon as possible.
That is completely the opposite to the way that most people respond to getting a sports injury, and is why so many people suffering with a sports injury are concerned and asking themselves:

“It’s Been Months Now – So Why am I STILL Suffering With an Injury That’s Stopping Me From Being Active and Playing Sports?”

Most people think that a muscle tweak, sprain or tendonitis will get better with just a little rest and that may have been true in the past but our history of injuries build up. You start to get stiffer and stiffer over time. The pain seems like it’s gone but you don’t know if you are better til you return to playing. Often when you rest there is little if any pain – but as soon as you start up again, it comes back and no matter how much rest you give it – it doesn’t seem to be improving.

Does that sound like you?

Another scenario we see all the time in our clinic is when people go to see a Doctor, and the Doctor tells them to rest, wear a brace, give an injection or “take this prescription” and come back for surgery in a few weeks if it’s not better… – It didn’t get better and surgery should always be your last resort.


The major problem with sports injuries is that they are accidents or overuse. Sports injuries like strains on your hamstrings, calves, quads, low back and sprains in your ankles or knee etc., are extremely common – complete rest is rarely the best advice.


When someone walks into my office, they are usually confused and frustrated because they’ve been told different things, by different people. Maybe you think you have a back problem – but it’s actually the hip where the problem came from?


Sports injuries can be very confusing because more often than not, where the pain is coming from, isn’t actually the area that needs to be fixed and worked on, the area of pain is being caused from adjacent muscles and joints and if you rest for too long – other parts of the body become just as, if not more problematic!


The confusion over “resting” often leads people to procrastinate and put off making a decision about what to do to help fix their injury and return back to exercise.


They often get into a bigger hole with more pain, more stiffness and leads to them gaining weight which compounds the problem.
Worse, many people just end up accepting that ‘their days of being active are over’ – the doctor tells them “it’s just your age” as if it’s normal, as if there is nothing to be done and it “has” to be that way.

Is That How You Feel Too?

If you’re currently frustrated and living with a Sports Injury, here are 5 more reasons why it could be lasting longer than it should:

  1. When you’ve tried to get back but it keeps getting reinjured.
  2. You went to other Healthcare Professionals, a Doctor, a Chiropractor or a Physical Therapist in the past, but nothing they said or did seemed to help
  3. A family member, or friend, told you that it’s just normal and to accept it, everyone deals with Injuries as they get older, so you just did
  4. You’ve tried using things like heating pads, ice, and a brace but they’ve done nothing to help long-term
  5. You have had a few “sports massages” hoping that would fix the pain, but all they did was provide short-term relief or maybe helped you ‘relax’, but didn’t do anything to fix your injury…


If you are stuck and any of these issues have happened to you – we would love you to get the help you need by inviting you to book a call to talk with one of our specialists to find out what can be done. The fact that you’ve tried any or all of these things already is actually a GOOD THING because when you know what doesn’t work – you are closer to finding the thing that does!
Click the link below to book a call with us if you would like to get some solid advice given to you over the phone. The phone call is complimentary and there is no obligation to book any appointments with us after the call is over. Our goal is to help you make the best decision for your future health, the right decision about what to do next.

Well, here are 4 things you can do:


  1. First off, you need to decide about getting help. So many people procrastinate for so long, thinking that the pain will ‘just go away with time’, but then 6 months down the line they’re still dealing with it, and nothing’s changed, they still have pain and can’t exercise… Or it gets worse and they’re still sitting out from playing sports.
  2. Next, do the RIGHT exercises – The exercises that you do on the front end of rehab to get rid of inflammation are not the same exercises that need to be done mid-way and there is a significant difference in the high level exercises we train our clients to do as we return them to sports. We always give our clients a plan to make sure that the problems don’t come back any time soon.
  3. Avoid “too much rest” – while rest is an important part of the recovery process, too much rest is actually counter productive and it will not help you recover quickly. In order for an injury to recover, blood flow is needed which if you just rest, prevents the exchange of fluid and nutrients to the injured tissues. It would really help if you were given appropriate anti-inflammation, recovery and strengthening exercises to heal the injury. Alongside the appropriate exercises you will benefit immensely from hands-on treatment that is rarely part of normal Physical Therapy. The goal is to get you active and healthy again as quickly as possible and all the way back to playing sports, making adjustments to the plan that are specifically tailored to your injury..
  4. Get real, “hands-on” Physical Therapy – Physical Therapy, done the right way, is proven to be the best way to help people with Sports Injuries. In fact, at RPM Physical Therapy, we help people recover from Sports Injuries all year round. If your injury is stopping you from playing sports and keeping active, if it’s affecting your job, or if it threatens your independence and gets in the way of spending quality time with family and friends – the right Physical Therapy can help get you back to living the life you deserve quickly.


If you would like to know how the Physical Therapy team at RPM Physical Therapy can help you return to being active as quickly and safely as possible – we invite you to start with a completely free, no-obligation, risk free appointment:

So the next question is:

How Can Choosing To See A Physical Therapist at RPM Physical Therapy Help You Get Rid Of Your Sports Injury For Good?

We have over 225 5-star ratings on Google and lots of patient testimonial videos!


If you want to know what it costs – and what availability we have, then please just click the button below and complete the short form:

“Hear From our Happy Clients at
RPM Physical Therapy”

Please enjoy watching these videos of other people who came to see the Physical Therapy Team at RPM Physical Therapy – and left much healthier and happier within just a couple of weeks of working on the right things, with the right team:

Note: If your pain need is urgent…

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